Sunday, 18 September 2016

“ Feminism : The Queen of Equality , isn’t it ? “ ( ECDC DISCUSSION CLASS MATERIAL , September, 2016 )

Hi, sorry for waiting to long. Our topic in September is Feminism, right ? So we will have certain discussion about it, and after that we will have a little evaluation about it . Well we are educational organization right ? Let's try to be little campus in our lovely campus ( Well even with no PowerPoint and Ph.D Lecturers of course )

                                                                                            ( Sources : the )

“ One of the purpose i wished to spread is : Respect all the livings, it rights , it feelings, forcefully or unforcefully, avoid to hurt other, at any cost “ -  Kartini, Long Time Ago

Since many thousand years ago, women are positioned as supplementary people, the housekeeping person, even “a person” is such high status that all women not allowed to have. Demanding for a freedom, demanding for a equality and equity , a feminism is a mind core of what women are wanted for herself. Kartini as one of Gender Equality Pioneer in Indonesia state that there isn’t thing more despicable than only depending to other. Women should be independent, have same right, equal pay, equal job, equal this and that .

Asking for some equality is highly corelated to the thing we called injustice , well there is many kind of justice that this feminist wanted, or at least, their justification of “justice” ( Pembenaran terhadap Keadilan #TheirJustice ) . I am a man, and in Indonesia itself, the idea of “ Cewek Selalu Benar “ is simply the injustice to us, really folks ! . This is idea that justified the regime of women towards their position in society makes them a holy jolly queen that should be obeyed at all cost. YES MAM !

I’m agree with the concept equality, those to concept of feminism, yes of course, i’m a feminist ! . We simply agree that skilled women are worthed to have higher position, rank, even duty than mam. Even in some point, we agree to women toughness over problem solving. But, is it stay on its philosophical line, or became an excuse to everything ?

We are intended to clarify those thing , how actually your opinion about feminism specially in Indonesia, it’s effect, are the concept of Men-Women Justice truly levelize it. Is that worked and how far ?

                                                                                                                            - EunuchDC

So ! That's a short brainstorming for our issue today, prepare for your paper, your pen, your mind. We will see you soon.


Committee of ECDC


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